Saturday, January 03, 2004

Tamshuei? Danshuei?

Interesting to find two different spellings of 淡水, while driving Taipei City to Taipei County. In Taipei City, 淡水 is spelled as "Danshuei", followed by the Pinyin system; whereas as "Tamshuei" in Taipei County.

Gosh! while searching, more spellings of 淡水 are found more different spelling, Tamshui,

Okay, in the MOI site, here is the translation rule of places and here is the intructions when translating place names from Chinese to English. For example,

使用u(e)i與 i(o)u拼音時,一律用全寫,不採用縮寫,並去除括號,例如淡水為Danshuei,而非Danshui 或Danshu(e)i;斗六為Douliou,而非Douliu 或Douli(o)u。

Quite clear enough though! However, seems not implemented completely enough...

How can a non-Chinese reader know which one is which and in fact these spellings means the same place?

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