Friday, December 16, 2005


kai's photo site... i miss paris

Sunday, November 13, 2005

my website writing

currently, i am writing this site and 泰涼冰城 by re-studying Writing HTML, the website tutorial which I self-studied for writing my graduate profolio, Visa! Visa!...

a long way to go, a long way to go...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

radiofrequency coagulation

Mom just had this surgery 高頻熱凝療法 - radiofrequency coagulation yesterday. This nerves-coagulated surgery took around 30 minutes and left now scars on her back. Her low back pain seems now being reduced significantly. She is pretty happy now that she can walk longer and anywhere without suffering from the pain on her back and knees. However, I somehow still worry about her spine problem, since this treatment does not cure the root cause, her aging spine and knees...

on the other hand, interestingly, quite amazed to find the abundant related information while surfing this treatment in the web. Seems the spine problem is quite univeral in the world...

A report in Chinese shows the result of 224 patients taking this surgery

Sunday, October 02, 2005

how come

After several weeks of intensive study for the certificate exam preparation, I sort of back to my daily track, working, being lazy during the weekends, reading books and magazines in different topics... especially for reading...

However, just feel something strange and empty still... what happen? what am i looking for?

Monday, September 12, 2005

I've passed PMP!!!

After 4 days of intensive studying, including taking around 1000 of simulation questions in my Thinkpad, I have passed PMP certificate exam today!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

where i live

Kai, the Google map geek, sent me this link for the satellite map of Taipei.

Also, He helped me find where I live in this world... this is amazing... can I embed a photo in this blog?

sigh... should go back for my PMP exam study... ha, I am so good at distracting myself from concentrating on study...

Trip to Japan

I went to Japan in June for a 5-day trip with Myriam, having our 3rd gal gossip reunion with our Japanese friend, Yukako. Myriam wanted to visit Yukako in Yokohama and a freind in Sapporo before she moved back to Paris. I was not planning this trip in the beginning. However, I was not sure when we three would meet together in the near future. Plus, We have had the 1st reunion in Taipei in 2003 (Yukako flew to Taipei) and the 2nd reunion in Paris last year before Yukako's getting married. So, why not take this chance for our 3rd reunion in Japan? Therefore, I decided to join Myriam's trip in a very short time and bought the ticket one week before her

I really had a great time meeting Yukako, her husband, and her parents; visiting a nice temple in Nikko, the modern Yokohama harbor, the Tokyo train station; and enjoying several geniune Japanese meals. I went back to Taipei and Myriam continued her trip to Sapporo.

While walking in Japan, I couldn't resist comparing the buildings, streets, traffics, people, languages, etc with those in Taipei. I could almost recognise every Japanese Kanji characters and read 70% of the traffic signs, store names, etc due to Japanese characters originated from Chinese ones. However, when listening to Japanese lanaguage, I understood almost nothing and acted like a deaf... It's really an interesting but odd experience! Though, Yukako was quite glad that I finally could share how she felt while she was in Taipei! ^_^

(Retreived from an email to Patrick)

And here is some photos taken during the trip.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

happy birthday

Last year, I celebrated my birthday at a boat restaurant on the Saine River in Paris, with my long-time-no-see friends. We had nice meals, drank French wine, and watched Notre Dame de Paris.

This year, I celebrate my birthday at a Taiwanese puppet show restaurant in Taiwan, with my families and friends visiting from Paris. We have Taiwanese food, drink Taiwanese beer, and play Taiwanese puppets on the stage. (photos to add later)

How about next year?

Anyway, Happy Birth day to me!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Until when can I learn doing things to the point and not beating the bush?
Until when can I learn seeing things in a broader and thorough view?
Until when can I learn expressing myself in a clear and smart manner?
Until when can I learn placing my own business on the top priority?

A long way to go...sigh...a long way to go...

Sunday, March 20, 2005


This book, 人體使用手冊 ([ren2 ti3 shi3 yong4 shou3 ce4], meaning "Human Body - User's Guide" in English, author: 吳清忠-Alex Wu), describes the human body system from a traditional Chinese medical view. The system fuctioning in a human body is, like a computer system, formed by hardware, software, and networking:

- hardware: 五臟六腑, [wu zang liu fu]
- software: 6 functional systems
- networking: 4 networking systems, including 經絡 ([jing luo], meridian), 血管 ([xuei guan], blood vessels), 神經 ([sheng jing], nervs), and 淋巴 ([lin ba], lymph)

The best way to stay healthy is suggested to
1. 敲膽經 ([qiao dan jing], hit the gall bladder channel)
2. 早睡早起 ([zao shei zao qi], go to bed early and get up early)
3. 按摩心包經 ([ann muo xin bao jing], massage the pericardium channel)

Item 1 and 3 may be easier for me. As for going to bed early... huh...may need more time working on this...

Monday, March 14, 2005

43 things

My list at the 43

Bravo! Kai has done three things in his list already!

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Petals Around the Rose

Kai sent me the link for this interesting game. Thought I would never solve it by myself since I am usually not good at these brain teasers. Yet, tricky, tricky...

I've solved it!!! The name of the game really helps! Now I am quite proud of myself for this trivial victory!

And... I've also happily signed for the Fraternity of Petals Around the Rose as the 2485th register!

This link contains another game interface with a better hint and can calculate the user's total runs.

Friday, January 28, 2005


Kai did a pretty cool and neat page for his recent film watching record and comment.

Just added here in case I can't find it later...

Politically Incorrect

This Politically Incorrect Dictionary contains some interesting terms...

Some examples are:

- Eastern (As when used when discussing Asian Culture) - Too Eurocentric. Instead, use Africa as your frame of reference. When discussing European culture you should now use the phase "Northern", and when discussing Asia use the phrase "North-Eastern". Now isn't that better?

- Ghetto - Replaced by Economically disadvantaged area. This term is used by politicians who believe money from the Government would solve their problems.

Frankly, replace "Dictionary" by "List" may be more proper...


I felt upset this evening by a unpleasant discussion on a project closng issue with the counterpart in another department, due to the opposite nature of our role plays in this project. Thought it's over and yet I am pretty annoyed by a request-but-almost-command phone call from a superior for the same issue... gosh!

Why we get angry? *sigh*...

Better it's a better idea to think more of "生氣是拿別人的過錯來懲罰自己 (Feeling angry is punishing yourself by other's mistakes)", retreived the book seires, Still Thoughts, from Master Cheng Yen

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

in the mood for songs

I am in the mood for songs tonight... to be correct, this early morning...

If... the oldie but goodie song with a cozy flash animation from a fotolog friend, Camera, warming my heart in this 15C cold and rainy night.

One of us... by Joan Osborne. The song I like so much and surprisingly listened to it from the radio on the way home tonight, which reminds me of a nice talk with K. (why do I keep mentioning him?!)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

On the last day of 2004, me and Myriam went for Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, quite a silly but hilarious film for celebrating our year end... huh... okay, confess! Since we ended as single women still and didn't wanna go to the boring count-down parties socializing with not-that-familiar-with friends, we thus decided to celebrate our year end with these two cute guys, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant, plus, at least we "know" them!

Actually, I like Firth's role in the two Darcies a lot, no matter Mark Darcy in this film or Fitzwilliam Darcy in the mini TV series, Pride and Prejudice (1995), or even in Jane Austin's novel. Darcy reminds me of K for his cold and arrogant attitude but the hidden tender heart. Myriam likes Firth since he also reminds her of her "best friend", A. I thus frowned and claimed that her linking Firth with him simply ruined my fantasy on Firth... well... shallow girlish talks and we were pretty delighted in sipping our drinks, pecking the popcorns, drooling for the two handsome guys, dreaming in the two-hour fantasy... and welcoming our new start of 2005!

ps. Renee Zellweger is a bit too overacting though...