Sunday, January 08, 2006

Trip to France (1) - Henri Dumoulin

continued from Henri walking in the parking lot, Amboise, France (2005.12.23)

Henri's returning to Nantes this time would also be his farewell to his parents and relatives. He and Nicole would move to Guyana for at least 2 or 3 years, in which he started his medical practice 30 years ago. He would restart his medical practice in a small village and may retire from this country. He had planned this move for several years returning to his beloved place. Retiring in Guyana would be a perfect end for his medical practice career.

Henri postponed his flight to Dec 29 when he knew my visit to France. I was so glad that could meet him and Nicole before their departures to Guyana and could celebrate this Christmas with them. Hearing a lot about Henri from Mimi for his life and his interests in learning musical instruments, flutes and pipe organs. Finally, we met in person at my first visit to Arras/Paris in 2004 and his visit to Taiwan in 2005. I've got to know him better and appreciate a lot this kind and brilliant father for his seeing the world with an open-minded view, his appreciation to different cultures; not to mention his will and implementation in learning different new things, eg., Mandarin language. Through him, I can thus tell where Mimi's passion and belief towards life come from...

While I am writing this blog, he should have been starting the medical practice in a small village in Guyana, where needs to commune via boats and may be lack of electricity. Nicole will also fly to that village in a few weeks. I wish them a new life and great exploration in Guyana. Bonne voyage! my dear papa and mama in France!


yuwen said...

Mimi just sent me the link for Apatou, the village Henri is going to stay.

Anonymous said...

在Newtown,King street上,男人和男人牽手 or 女人和女人接吻之類ㄉ景象時有所見,每回見到了我都故作鎮定,假裝沒啥,但卻又忍不住偷偷地多看一眼。
Being open-minded is not that easy for me as I thought... still learning~~

By the way, 3Q for the coffee lar!如天降甘霖 呵呵 太狗腿ㄌ點兒 :p