忙到透不過氣來的感覺很糟 偏偏今年來老是覺得如此
換到新部門快一年 卻在最近幾個月被工作壓到喘不過氣來
一方面是組織大調整 新老板們還在摸索部門方向
我這個半新不舊的PM除了既定的工作量 還得接下去年部門欲拒還迎的專案
問題是我的 learning curve 還沒走完呢
Learning from doing is quite a nice idea if having a reasonable workload. Yet, having the heavier workload while crawling in the learning curve makes me feel frustrated and step into my down time. Start worrying about my quality at work. The feeling of running after workload and trying to catch up with those seniors is just so sucks!
Moreover, I have had a totally different view towards life since last Christmas.
I want to be free, free from work.
想要多一些時間給自己 給我喜歡的人
開始面對自己 開始想打理自己的生活 經營與喜歡的人的未來
Yet, how can I reach this?
Keep saying this but haven't found a good way yet...