Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Until when can I learn doing things to the point and not beating the bush?
Until when can I learn seeing things in a broader and thorough view?
Until when can I learn expressing myself in a clear and smart manner?
Until when can I learn placing my own business on the top priority?

A long way to go...sigh...a long way to go...

Sunday, March 20, 2005


This book, 人體使用手冊 ([ren2 ti3 shi3 yong4 shou3 ce4], meaning "Human Body - User's Guide" in English, author: 吳清忠-Alex Wu), describes the human body system from a traditional Chinese medical view. The system fuctioning in a human body is, like a computer system, formed by hardware, software, and networking:

- hardware: 五臟六腑, [wu zang liu fu]
- software: 6 functional systems
- networking: 4 networking systems, including 經絡 ([jing luo], meridian), 血管 ([xuei guan], blood vessels), 神經 ([sheng jing], nervs), and 淋巴 ([lin ba], lymph)

The best way to stay healthy is suggested to
1. 敲膽經 ([qiao dan jing], hit the gall bladder channel)
2. 早睡早起 ([zao shei zao qi], go to bed early and get up early)
3. 按摩心包經 ([ann muo xin bao jing], massage the pericardium channel)

Item 1 and 3 may be easier for me. As for going to bed early... huh...may need more time working on this...

Monday, March 14, 2005

43 things

My list at the 43

Bravo! Kai has done three things in his list already!