Wednesday, December 31, 2003

New Year's eve with The Lord of The Ring

New year's eve, staying at home, quiet, pieceful and calm, instead of hanging out all night and sleeping my Jan 1st away, which I had done for several years...

The last three hours of 2003, "The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring" shown at HBO has been a good company for me, even though a 3rd time of watching this film. Great scenes, nice inspriation...

Wanna have a good start of 2004... Happy New Year!!!

wish list

why do people always talk about new year wish lists every year?

wondering if i really wanna do this... okay... here is my wish list of 2004:

- Learn a foreign language (ha, this has been in my wish list for several years...)
- Pass PMI certificate exam (sigh... hope get that certificicate asap...)
- Exercise regularly

in fact, my trivial wishes are

- having a one-hour walking to the JianTan Park or XianKang Park at least twice a week
- work less
- spend time with myself more to think... for myself or simply not doing anything...
- less greedy on friendship, time, etc
- ...

can't think more now...

Tuesday, December 30, 2003


when is enough enough?
when is nosy around enough enough?

該是你的會是你的, 不該是你的, 強求也沒用... 夠了!

Little Bear Family

Carol Tai's new photo log for her little bear "boy friend"... just see how long these two guys will last after traveling around Taiwan! a leo and a bear?? hehe...

i like this bed and these bamboos the best...


while searching for the ridiculous news of auction for a used toothpick, happen to find a brief history of chopsticks. chopsticks were promoted because "Confucius, a vegetarian, advised people not to use knives at the table because knives would remind them of the slaughter"? interesting... anyway, so far as i know, chinese chopsticks are round-headed whereas japanese ones are more sharp-headed.

btw, there are also the history of forks, knives, spoons, and other stuff...

oh, another interesting chopstick site called Project Chopsticks. maybe post my lovely blue hello kitty ones on it later!

Diva's death

Anita Mui (梅艷芳), the famous Canto-pop singer, died this morning at the age of 40 after suffering from cervical cancer. It's quite sad for such a talented person died so young... however, the media broadcasts this news live from the hostipal all morning along with commenting her career history and love affairs, etc... does this mean an honor for this diva? Plus, can't believe that CNN also writes an article on her efficient! Pity her photo posted in that article is not her best one...

On the other hand, do I wanna be commented when I die? Will I have anything left in the history, my history, when I die?

Sunday, December 28, 2003

online bookstore

Interesting!! Amazon is building a Traditional Chinese site now...

Still prefer the 博客來 (, especially for its various magazine subscribing programs. Yet, if Amazon TW site is quick built and big enough... this reminds me of Netscape vs IE and ICQ vs MSN...

ha, has its name translated in Chinese by using the mixture of sound (books => 博客) and meaning (com(e) => 來 ).

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Chrismas vs Constitution Day

These days, national flags are seen everywhere, flying along the main roads and highways. This should be for celebrating the Consitution Day of Dec 25, shouldn't this?

na... seems not... people are more interested in Christmas, even though people in Taiwan are more in Buddism and Daoism.

Yet, wait...not the holy spirit of Christmas... almost all the shops are adopting every ways they can think of to promote the Xmas sales. Xmas trees, large or little, splendid decoration or not, are set up in most of the stores to attract potential customers. (my sister just bought one little plastic xmas tree for yaya...) Songs related to Xmas are being played almost 24 hours a day. Press keeps delivering messages that seats for the Xmas dinner in famous restaurents are fully booked one month before the 24th of Dec, whereas its price is 5 times expensive than usual...

What happened? Do we still remember the Consitution Day?

hmm... maybe i should not say so... i am also one of them buying shinny jingle bells and gifts decorating the little plastic tree to cheer my little cute niece yaya up! plus, just came home from a dinner gathering with andreas, fransizka, and the little cute jacob, and my lovely colleagues, terry, beatrice, candy to celebrate this Xmas, instead of Constiton Day...

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

comment testing

trying to add the comment function...

sigh... the tags are now far more advanced than those html tags i learned several years ago...

Sunday, December 21, 2003


What language shall I use in the blog?

English? Why not? Yet, can I express my feelings and thoughts percisely in english?

Chinese? Why not? Yet, I also wanna share my views to my friends whose mother tones are not chinese. Then, how about my friends who don't speak English?

Getting silly now...
this will be my first ever weblog!
just a test